Tell Kazel (2)
Three short Phoenician epigraphs are found here. The first two, found
during the beginning excavations in the sixties by M.Dunand, A.Bouni and
N.Salita, are stamps on pottery sherds. The last one, discovered in 1993 by the
American University
of Beirut Tell
Kazel expedition, was molded on the base of an Hellenistic Megarian bowl. All
three shed light on late Phoenician onomastics and show examples of technical Greek
1). ’ p l y n (Apuleios?)
2). N ‘ r ’ š m n = under guardianship of Ešmoen
3). B n ḥ k m= son of Hakim (the
wise man)
See: Inédits épigraphiques des fouilles anciennes et récentes à Tell Kazel,
P.Bordreuil / F. Briquel-Chatonnet / E.Gubel. Semitica 45, 1995