Beeldend taalgebruik.
De Feniciërs hebben vooral familiale inscripties met
wijdingen aan de goden nagelaten. Maar soms gebruiken ze ook heel beeldend
taalgebruik, dat somtijds ook poëtisch is. Bij de weergave van de Fenicische
letters heb ik goeddeels het gestandaardiseerde systeem van: Dr.Alb.van den Branden (Université
Saint-Esprit Kaslik – Liban, 1969) gevolgd. Tussen haakjes staan de woorden,
die wij normaal zouden gebruiken.
The Phoenicians have used mainly family inscriptions with ordinations to the gods. But sometimes they also use very evocative (language), that sometimes is even poetic. When displaying the Phoenician letters I followed largely the standardized system of: Dr.Alb.van den Branden (Université Saint-Esprit Kaslik – Liban, 1969). In parentheses are the words put that we would normally use.
The Phoenicians have used mainly family inscriptions with ordinations to the gods. But sometimes they also use very evocative (language), that sometimes is even poetic. When displaying the Phoenician letters I followed largely the standardized system of: Dr.Alb.van den Branden (Université Saint-Esprit Kaslik – Liban, 1969). In parentheses are the words put that we would normally use.
’ = aleph
sh = shin
h. = het
c = ayin
By the way:
everyone can make his own letters on the computer, when one has for instance
the program PAINT.
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