woensdag 5 november 2014

Egypt - inscription of unknown origin

EGYPT – unknown origin.

There are five Phoenician inscriptions of whom we don’t know the exact finding spot, but they are coming from Egypt.
A. Harpocrates on the base of his statue. 4th-2nd century BC. KAI 52.
Pšm …. Y                   ?
ṭ ṭ                                Egyptian RES 1507c
P ṭ                               Egyptian RES 1507c
ḥnts                             Egyptian RES 1507b
Mgn                            Magon (short form of the name mgnb‘l = Baal grant!). Exceedingly
   |                                           common. (Benz p.133-137, Krahmalkov p.270). Historical
   |                                           person: DCPP 268-269.
‘štrtytn                                   ‘Astart-yaton (Astarte give) (Benz p.175, Krahmalkov p.392) ph,pu.
‘bd’šmn                      ‘Abd-’Esmun (servant of Esmun). Exceedingly common. (Benz p.150-
                                                           153, Krahmalkov p.354). Historical person: DCPP 2-3.
The beginning of the pedigree is Egyptian, but the end is filled with Phoenician names.
The first line of the inscription is:
ḥrpkrt ytn ḥym l‘bdy l‘bd’šmn
May Harpocrates grant long life to his servant Abdešmun.
Harpocrates is an Egyptian deity (ḥr-p3-ḥrd). It means: Horus the child.
B. Inscription on the backside of a throne of Isis with Horus as child. First half of the 4th century BC. RES 535 =935.
Šlrt                  ?
‘ z r                 ‘Azor (short form of the name-type ‘zr-DN: DN is his help). (Benz p.167,
   |                                Krahmalkov p.364) ph, pu.
GrṢpn             Ger-Ṣapun (fearer of <Baal> Saphon). (Benz p.107, Krahmalkov p.144) ph, pu.
                                               Gir-ša-pu-nu (ass)(Benz p.209). Historical person :Gersaphon.
To his lady Astarte.
Line 4: ’š hld lrb
Line 5: ty l‘št
Line 6: rt
C. Inscription on a vase (type: Greek) with flowers as ornaments from a grave somewhere. RES 3 = 1586.
YtnṢd             Yaton-Ṣid (Ṣid give/gave). Very common. (Benz p.130, Krahmalkov p.220)
   |                    ph, pu.
ḥm’                 vocalisation and meaning uncertain (Benz p.110, Krahmalkov p.186) ph, pu.
D. Papyrus of the 4th-3rd century BC. KAI 51.
P.Magnanini says that it is: “impossibile una sicura lettura e l’interpretazione”. There are however some words readable, but there is hardly a cohesion in the translation possible. There are too many unexplained and damaged words in the inscription. Nevertheless in the front one can see a list of vegetables and on the backside we see the name of Abdmilkot and Bodbaal, the chief of the fishermen at the sea.
………….ty wbrb šl……..
…….m….ḥtn l..n šlš w
qllm w…..wbnšmm ‘lm n.
pitchers       son heavens eternity
bṢl r’šy….wbṢl pln‘ wp’l
onion           onion        make
hrnk’rt..brktmlqrt šlmm
              Birikt-milqart ------à blessing of Milqart (Benz p.291, Krahmalkov p.128)
ḥyt mšqn 25 w šqdm
     weight 25    almonds   -----à mšqn must be mšql: misspelling
wkmn wl‘rty ‘‘m wššmn w
  cumin                   sesame
‘qlm 3 wl…….5 kl’  l
yrḥm . ‘……….wḥ[t]m wḥ
months               wheat
tms bṭb‘t w……whn š……
wheat tariff
……... ‘ ‘…….m ’r………
……mḥṢ ……..wlbkwry……
……l……bk wry yn………
[mn] ‘bdmlkt l bdb‘l lrb
       Abdmilkot ----------à servant of Milkot (Benz p.155, Krahmalkov p.356).
                         Bodbaal-à in the service of Baal (Benz p.75, Krahmalkov p.98).
[‘l pn.b]db‘l rb ḥrm lym w‘l pn ’š š lḥr[m lym]
  Face Bodbaal chief fishermen at the sea (2x)
[….w‘l ] pn ’ld ’dndnḥ w’b’ywnkb wr..’šl[…]
ksp [….] r [….] bn lkn lkl ‘m .šmš […..]
silver                 son                  sun
                             wkmr [……….]
E. Bilingue inscription (Egyptian/Phoenician) on the base of a statue of bronze of Harpocrates in the 4th century BC. KAI 52.
ḥrpkrṭ ytn ḥyym l‘ms bn ’šmnytn bn ‘zrmlk
Harpocrates may give life to Amos son of Esmunyaton son of Azormilk.
‘zrmlk             ‘Azormilk (Milk help!) Benz p.170, Krahmilkov p.365.
‘šmnytn           ’Esmun-yaton (May Esmun grant) Benz p.71-72, Krahmalkov p.83.
‘ms                  ‘Amos (short form for ‘ms-DN = may DN support me) Benz p.172
                                                                                                          Krahmalkov p.378.
Line 3: wḥq nn:          This was engraved by NN
Line 4: b‘lbn’:             the architect.
See: J.Ferron, La statuette d’Harpocrate du British Museum (RSF 2) 1974.
Frank L.Benz, Studia Pohl, Rome, Biblical Institue Press, 1972. Studia Pohl: Dissertations scientificae de rebus orientis antique. A cataloque, Grammatical Study and Glossary of Elements.
                   Krahmalkov: PHOENICIAN - PUNIC DICTIONARY
                   Charles R.Krahmalkov. OLA 90. Studia Phoenicia XV.
                   Uitgeverij Peeters en Departement Oosterse studies. Leuven 2000.

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