dinsdag 12 april 2016

Hamon cis 8

CIS I 8.
Inscription on a plinth of a stone found on the southern acropolis of Umm el-Awamid. Date: 2nd half of the 2nd century BC. Now present at Louvre in Paris.

  1. To Milk ‘astart to the god of Hamon.
  2. This is what is dedicated by Abdešmoen…..

1st Literature: E.Renan, CRAI 1862, Paris (85).
M.Dunand/R.Duru, Oumm el ‘Amed, une ville de l’époque hellénistique aux échelles de Tyr, Paris, 1962, Paris (184).

Hamon is the classic name for Umm el-Awamid.

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