vrijdag 15 april 2016


RES 250
Memory stone of Baalyaton.
Found in Umm el Awamid.
The memory stone is fallen apart in three parts. Very luckily they could be fixed together without any problems. Date: 2nd half 2nd cent.BC. Now present in Kobnhavn, Ny Carlsberg (Collection Jacobsen).
First literature: Receuil d’Archéologie Orientale 5, 1903, 1-8.Paris.
Text :
Z  m á¹¢ b t  s k r
B ‘ l y t n  b n
B ‘ l y t n   h r d/b
This is the memory stone of Baalyaton, son of Baalyaton hrd/b
The last word forms a problem. One can’t figure out the exact meaning. Maybe it stands for governor or head of the priests.
See: Note di Epigrafia fenicia I-IV, A.Catastini, RSF XIII, 1985.

RSF = Rivistate di studi fenicie.

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