ABYDOS – Abedjoe
There is
only one large conglomerate of graffiti known on the temple of Osiris in the 5th – 3rd
century BC. CIS I 99-101 Eph.III 93-116
KAI 49. Abydos
is located c.100 km northwest of Thebe. There are temples of Osiris , Seti I, Ramses II and cenotaph temples. It
contains the oldest cemeteries of Egypt . Between the 5th
and 3rd century BC Phoenician people marked their presence with
graffiti. They came from Arwad, Kition, Tyrus and Heliopolis . We know now also some
professions: sailors, musician, plasterer, interpreter, spice-trader,
cultivator of date-palm trees, carpenter and servants.
49 graffiti
and 78 personal names.
Name x = the father
ph: Phoenician
Name y = the son
| pu: punic
Name z = the grandson
1. bd?mqrr ?
2. Ṣnr (vocalisation and
meaning uncertain) the sailors (Benz p.177) ph,pu
| (Krahmalkov
p.418). This is the father.
----- dn ?
the sailors. This is the
4. ’šmnšlk ’Ešmunšillek (Esmun save me)
(Benz p.73, Krahmalkov p.84)
5. mlk meaning: king, but it
could be a part of a personal name.
6. b‘lskr Ba‘al-Sakor
(Ba‘al remember him/me/you) (Benz p.96,
p.117) ph.
7. b‘lytn Ba‘al-yaton
(Baal grant!). Exceedlingly
common. Musician on
| tympano.
(Benz p.177, Krahmalkov p.408) pu.
psr misspelling
for pšr (vocalisation and meaning uncertain). (Benz p.177)
(Krahmalkov p.408) pu. In Egyptische taal: the
Prince? (Ranke II 189).
8. [.]ḥšq ?
‘bdršp ‘Abdrešef
(servant of Rešef) (Benz p.163) CIS I 93.4, 2628. RES 1353.
1360. Krug.27.2.
9. ‘z’ ?
10. prsy Parsay (vocalisation and
meaning uncertain) (Benz p.176,
p.407) ph,pu.
11. ‘zrtb‘l ‘Izrati-ba‘al (Baal is help). (Benz
p.170, Krahmalkov p.365)
| Cis
I 88, RES 1309
‘bdssm ‘Abd-Sasom
(servant of Sasom) (Benz p.162, Krahmalkov p.357)
12. b‘lytn Ba‘al-yaton
(Baal grant!). Exceedlingly
| (Benz
p.177, Krahmalkov p.408) pu.
Mnḥm Meneḥḥem
(comforter). (Benz p.141, Krahmalkov p.294) pu
a hebrew influence ?
13. šlm ? Salom, Sallum, Sillem.
He comes from Kition. Meaning: peace.
| (Several
names may be encompassed by the spelling šlm.
| (Benz
p.180, Krahmalkov p.464) ph, pu.
‘bd’šmn ‘Abd-’Esmun
(servant of Esmun). Exceedingly common. A lot of
with this name. Historical person: Abdeshmun
2-3 (Benz p.150-153, Krahmalkov p.354).
14. gr’hl Ger-‘Ohel (fearer of ’Ohel)
(Benz p.103, Krahmalkov p.142) ph.
15. b‘lpls Ba‘al-pilles (Baal save
him/me/you) (Benz p.97, Krahmalkov p.117)
ph. Pu.
Yḥlb‘l ?
16. grhkl Ger-Hêkal (Fearer of
Hêkal) (Benz p.104, Krahmalkov p.143) ph
| He
is a plasterer / stucco-worker
Bnḥdš Bin-ḥodeš
(son of the new moon) (Benz 89. Krahmalkov p.106) pu
17. ’gn? Vocalisation and meaning
uncertain (Krahmalkov p.31). He is an
| Interpreter / translator.
’bnšmš ?
abonšemeš (stone of the sun??). Perhaps a misspelling for ’bnn, of
| whom
the vocalisation and meaning are uncertain.
| For
’bnn see: Krahmalkov p.29
‘bdršp ‘abdrešef
(servant of Resef). (Benz p.163) CIS I 93.4, 2628. RES 1353.
1360. Krug.27.2.
mlqrt‘ms milqart-‘amos
(Milqart support him/me/you). (Benz 141,
| Krahmalkov
p.292). ph,pu. A common name.
‘bdmlkt ‘Abd-Milkot
(servant of Milkot) (Benz 155, Krahmalkov p.356) ph, pu.
| Contradictions
and many misspellings. Exceedingly common.
‘bdṢpl ?
‘AbdṢpl (servant of Ṣpl?). perhaps ‘bdṢapon (Benz p.163)
19. ‘bqm ?. Completely unknown, but
he is a servant of ḥpn.
Gr’ Gera (short form of the
name-type gr-DN) (Benz p 103-104,
p.142) ph,pu. Worshipper of a god.
20. pls. Pilles- (shortform of
the name-type pls-DN (DN save him/me!).
(Benz p.176,
Krahmalkov p.397). Historical person: Phelles DCPP 348.
There is
letter after pls, but what is unknown.
21. bnb[‘l] bin-ba‘al (son of Baal) (Benz
p.89, Krahmalkov p.106) ph.
22. ‘r[m?]y ? perhaps ‘rṭm (vocalisation
and meaning uncertain) (Benz 150-153)
p.354) or a misspelling ’ršy/’rš? (RES 1316)
The spice-mixer/trader
’b‘lšm.. This can be
Ba‘al-samo (Baal hear me) (Benz p.100, Krahmalkov
p.120) ph,pu.
Or it can be Ba‘al-samor (Baal protect me) (Benz p.100,
25. ’šmnb[rk] ’Ešmun-berek?
Esmun blesses.
26. ḥqrh,
mšpn ? (vocalisation and meaning
uncertain) (Benz p.125, Krahmalkov
p.195) ph.
Rmb‘l rm
= ram (hb) = high, lofty Baal (Krahmalkov p.444) No personal
| name?
(RES 1303+1359)
Nps[.] ?
wellicht: npš =person, emotion, tombstone. Nepeš (hb)
27. y[.]m[.] ? perhaps yḥmlk or y‘ms
Rmb‘l rm
= ram (hb) = high, lofty Baal (Krahmalkov p.444) No personal
(RES 1303+1359). He is a cultivator of palmtrees.
28. ‘zrb‘l ‘Azruba‘al (Baal is his
help). Exceedingly common. (Benz p.167-170,
| Krahmalkov
p.364) ph,pu. Historical person: Hasdrubal DCPP 211-212.
| Or:
‘Azorba‘al (Baal help!). Historical person: DCPP 338.
Mtny Mittunay
(short form of the name-type mtn-DN), Very common name.
| (Benz
p.143,146, Krahmalkov p.321) ph,pu. Historical person: Mattan
’šmn’dny ’Esmun-’Adoni
(Esmun is my lord) (Benz p.70, Krahmalkov p.82.
Historical person: Eshmunadon DCPP 160.
29. ‘bdšmš ‘Abdšemeš (servant of Semes)
30. mtl ?
’b‘l ?
misspelling ’bb‘l = ’Abi-ba‘al (Baal is my father). (Benz p.54,
p.28) ph,pu. Historical person: Abibaal DCPP 3-4.
31. ‘bdmlqrt ‘Abdmilqart (servant of
32. ‘bdh’ ‘Abd-H’(servant of H’)
(Benz p.154, Krahmalkov p.355) ph,pu.
33. ‘bdršp ‘Abdrešef (servant of Rešef)
(Benz p.163) CIS I 93.4, 2628. RES 1353.
1360. Krug.27.2.
34. grṢd Ger-Ṣid (fearer of Sid)
(Benz p.107, Krahmalkov p.144) ph.
Ṣdytn Ṣid-yaton
(Sid gives) (Benz p.177, Krahmalkov p.412) ph, pu.
| Sidiathones
P‘l’bst Pa‘ol-ubast
((u)bastis act) (Benz p.176, Krahmalkov p.403) ph.
He comes from Tyre ,
civilian of Heliopolis ,
liberated by ‘bdmnqrt,
also from Heliopolis . This is a
misspelling for ‘bdmlqrt = ‘Abdmilqart
(Benz p155, Krahmalkov p.356) pu.
mnqrtḥny ? monqartḥanni?
Misspelling for Milqart-ḥanni (Milqart favour me!)
| (Benz
p.141, Krahmalkov p.292).
B‘lyḥn Ba‘al-yaḥon
(Baal be gracious to me/him/you) (Benz p.94,
p.114) pu.
36. bd’ Bodo (short for common
name-type bd-DN (in the service of DN).
| (Benz
p.74-75, Krahmalkov p.98) ph, pu. In reality he is a servant of
ḥpṢb‘l from Memphis .
ḥepṢiba‘al (Baal is my joy) (Benz p.125,
Krahmalkov p.193) ph.
Mgn Magon
(short form of the name mgnb‘l (Baal grant!) (Benz p.133-137,
p.270) Exceedingly common. Historical person: Magon.
DCPP 268-269.
37. Ṣdytn Ṣid-yaton (Sid gives) (Benz
p.177, Krahmalkov p.412) ph, pu.
| Sidiathones
‘bdbst ‘Abd-ubast
(servant of [u]bastis)
38. Only the date: 3
of the month HYR
b‘lšl[m] Ba‘al-šillem
(Ba‘al grant peace/prosperity!) (Benz p.100,
| Krahmalkov
p.119) ph,pu. Ba‘al-šillek is also possible.
’rš ’Ariš
(Requested <of god>). Exceedingly common.
40. ’rš ’Ariš (Requested
<of god>). Exceedingly common.
Bd’ Bodo
(short for common name-type bd-DN (in the service of DN).
| (Benz
p.74-75, Krahmalkov p.98) ph, pu. In reality he is a servant of
ḥpṢb‘l from Memphis .
ḥepṢiba‘al (Baal is my joy) (Benz p.125,
Krahmalkov p.193) ph.
41. trt’ ?
’šmn’dn ’Ešmun-’Adoni
(Esmun is my lord). (Benz p.70, Krahmalkov p.82)
Ph, pu. Historical person: Eshmunadon DCPP
42. bgd’ ? Persian ?
43. ’bqm ’Abi-qom (My <divine>
father has arisen). (Benz p.55, Krahmalkov
p.30) ph, pu.
47. ‘bdssm ‘Abd-sasom (servant of Sadom)
(Benz p.162, Krahmalkov p.357)
| Ph,
Šlm ?
Salom, Sallum, Sillem (Benz p.180, Krahmalkov p,464) ph, pu.
b‘l[.]Ṣr ? Baal of
Sour ?
‘bdḥ’ ‘Abd-H’
(servant of ḥ’) (Benz p.154, Krahmalkov p.355) ph.
49. […]ršp ? …rešef
T’[…] ?
readable: nrs 3,23, 45, 46.
DCPP = E.Lipinski
ed. Dictionnaire de la civilisation phénicienne et punique, Brepols, Turnhout,
Frank L.Benz,
Studia Pohl, Rome, Biblical Institue Press, 1972. Studia Pohl: Dissertations
scientificae de rebus orientis antique. A cataloque, Grammatical Study and Glossary of
R.Krahmalkov. OLA 90. Studia Phoenicia XV.
Uitgeverij Peeters en Departement
Oosterse studies. Leuven 2000.
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